Classroom Modifications and Accommodations
There are many modifications and accommodations that can help our students be given more opportunities to succeed in the classroom. Some are easier to come by than others, but your school should have someone who has access to these materials...
Assistive Technology in the Special Education Classroom
“For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible.” -Unknown What is Assistive Technology? The official definition of assistive technology is “any item, piece of...
Free Lesson Plan Template
Lesson plans are something teachers will never stop needing, no matter what grade level or subject is being taught. There are many different free lesson plan templates you can find online and they all generally have a similar outline. Of course,...
Setting up Math Centers in Your Special Education Classroom
Filling 90 minutes of instruction time can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to teaching or block scheduling. Now, factor in that you teach students with limited cognitive abilities in a self-contained setting and needing materials and...
Planning for Block Scheduling
When you first start teaching in a school that does block scheduling, 90 minutes seems like an awful lot of time to fill with instruction. It’s necessary to have some type of system and routines set in place to make planning easier. This allows you...
Summer Planning for Sped Teachers
We all know summer time is supposed to be our time to RELAX and not worry about school… but as a teacher, we are ALWAYS thinking about school and our students! Summer is a great time to plan at our own leisurely pace and develop ideas of how we...
Math IEP Goals For Special Education
Drafting IEP goals can be difficult, so here are a few math IEP goals (across various ability levels) to get you started. Please adapt and modify to meet the specific needs of your students. Keep in mind a goal should be a skill you believe is...
English/Reading IEP Goals For Special Education
Drafting goals for any subject area can be difficult, especially if you are unsure where to start. Here are a few sample English/Reading IEP goals (across various ability levels) to get you started. Please adapt and modify to meet the specific...
What Is A Self-Contained Classroom?
Let’s first start off by defining what full inclusion means. Full inclusion means that a student will be placed in a classroom with typical peers (25-30 students) for the entirety of the school day. A self-contained classroom is pretty much the...
Choice Boards
Choice boards have become pretty popular during the pandemic due to virtual schooling/instruction and teachers finding new, creative ways to encourage learning, but they’ve been around for a while! Choice boards are graphic organizers made up of...
Teaching Special Education
Teaching special education is a very difficult and rewarding job. It’s a job that requires time, dedication, and a love and understanding for students that goes beyond the surface. Teaching special education, being a special education teacher, is...
IEP Planning
Writing an IEP takes a lot of time because you want to make sure a student’s IEP accurately reflects their education plan and that everything they need is outlined clearly. In order to write an IEP effectively, it’s a good idea to follow an IEP...
Sensory Activities For Kids With Autism
Sensory Activities for Kids with Autism Teachers and parents are ALWAYS looking for more activities to do with our kiddos who have Autism. Sensory activities are activities that engage one or more of the senses. Sensory learning/play...
Funding for Your Special Ed Classroom
Low on funding? It’s no secret that teachers spend much of their own money on classroom needs, even just the necessities! What about for lesson enrichment, hands on experiences, & other opportunities? We do what we have to in order to provide...
Activities for Kids with Autism
Here are some ideas for activities for kids with Autism to use in the classroom, at home, and across multiple other settings. It’s a great idea to incorporate hands on activities for kids with Autism while teaching social, life, and academic...
Tips For Parent Communication
Be proactive about fostering a positive relationship Case management letter- Prior to school starting (or ASAP if you haven’t already), send parents a case management letter that outlines that you will be doing as case manager for their child. This...
Utilizing Instructional Assistants & Paraprofessionals During Distance Learning
When distance learning first started, figuring out how to use our paraprofessionals was difficult. Trying to establish new routines and finding the best way to utilize paras/instructional assistants was not an easy task. But with some...
Lesson Plans For Special Education
Why does it seem like when we are looking for lesson plans for special education, there is a whole lot of reinventing the wheel going on? That’s because THERE IS. As Special Educators, we are constantly looking for lessons that we can...